Estrés de precios para los consumidores europeos

Estrés de precios para los consumidores europeos

La última Encuesta Consumer Pulse muestra que, en toda Europa, las personas continúan adoptando nuevos comportamientos en respuesta a nuevos factores estresantes.

Según el informe de McKinsey, “a medida que los europeos emergen lentamente de la pandemia, el pesimismo de los consumidores sigue siendo alto y la confianza económica sigue cayendo. El aumento de los precios ha superado a la invasión de Ucrania como principal preocupación, eclipsando en gran medida al COVID-19. En todo el continente, los consumidores tienen una visión negativa del estado de la economía y las perspectivas de recuperación”.

“In response, household budgets are continuing to evolve, with basic needs like food, transport, and energy accounting for a higher share. In ongoing trends, spending on discretionary items has been cut, as has money put toward savings. Consumers are buying smaller quantities or delaying purchases. Many are trading down: turning to private labels, discounters, or more affordable brands”.

“These results confirm and consolidate the shifts observed in our April survey: concern about inflation has only intensified since then; consumer sentiment and confidence remain low, although they have not worsened in most places; and downtrading behavior has intensified. New data on splurging behavior reveals that most European consumers have no immediate plans to treat themselves”.

“While there are small differences, these trends hold true across France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. They are highlighted in the following charts from our latest European Consumer Pulse Survey, carried out on June 8–12, 2022. This survey tapped the views of 1,000 respondents in each of the named countries”.

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Estrés de precios para los consumidores europeos